Nieuws en actueel Nieuws en actueel

Nieuws en actueel

Israel nieuwe oorlog

Wat een ellende en verschrikkingen weer. Er zijn geen winnaars, alleen maar verliezers

en hoe is het mogelijk dat mensen zo makkelijk in staat zijn andere mensen te misbruiken, verkrachten, vermoorden. 

Antony Blinken gaf op 19 april eenzelfde soort boodschap af in Italië:

"The only thing – the only thing – standing between the Gazan people and a ceasefire is Hamas. It’s rejected generous proposals from Israel. It seems more interested in a regional conflict than it is in a ceasefire that would immediately improve the lives of the Palestinian people. It continues to move the goalposts, and the world needs to know and needs to understand, again, that the only thing standing between a ceasefire and the Gazan people is Hamas."

Poezie schreef op 21-04-2024 om 14:46:


Mee eens. Maar laat dat ajb geen reden voor pro-palestina mensen zijn om Joden in Nederland te discrimineren en onze 4 mei herdenking te verstoren.

Ja, ik vrees ook voor de dodenherdenking. Niet zozeer die in mijn eigen woonplaats, maar wat ik nu lees over de landelijke herdenking in Amsterdam stemt me wel somber. 

Discriminatie van Joden gebeurt helaas al meer. Er is al een heel sterke toename van het aantal meldingen van antisemitisme, vooral op scholen:

'Geen bewijs banden UNRWA-leden met Hamas'

Er is geen bewijs geleverd dat medewerkers van de VN-hulporganisatie UNRWA banden hebben met leden van Hamas of Islamitische Jihad. Dat stelt The Guardian. De krant heeft inzage gehad in het onafhankelijke onderzoek dat naar UNRWA is gedaan. De uitkomsten daarvan worden later vandaag openbaar gemaakt.

Israël zegt dat ruim tien medewerkers van de UNRWA medeplichtig zijn geweest aan de terreuraanval van Hamas op 7 oktober. Uit het onafhankelijke onderzoek, dat onder leiding staat van de voormalige Franse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Colonna, zou blijken dat Israël voor de beschuldiging nog geen ondersteunend bewijs heeft geleverd.

Bron: NOS

Gelukkig, en goed dat er onderzoek gedaan is. Ik vraag me af of de 12 medewerkers die (ten onrechte) ontslagen zijn, nu weer terug zullen keren.

Leuk voor de bühne, jammer dat het geen onafhankelijk onderzoek was. Even wat quotes uit onderstaande link: 

Catherine Colonna, the former French Minister of Foreign Affairs, was selected to lead the Review Group, which also consisted of the following three Scandinavian research institutions: The Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) in Norway; The Raoul Wallenberg Institute in Sweden, and The Danish Institute for Human Rights.

A brief examination of all of the parties involved in the review group confirms that they are not unbiased, objective observers.

Over Colonna:
On February 21, UN Spokesman Stéphane Dujarric said that Secretary-General Guterres named Catherine Colonna to lead the Review Group in order to “reassure those donors who may have doubts.”[6]

Likewise, on February 22, Ms. Colonna herself stated that that the entire purpose of her investigation is to ensure that donations to UNRWA continue—not that everything be done to objectively investigate and stop systematic UNRWA staff complicity with and promotion of terrorism. Speaking at a UN press conference on February, Colonna said:

“The aim of this important and delicate mission, entrusted to us by the Secretary General, is to enable donors, the largest among them, but in fact everyone, to regain confidence, when they have lost it or when they have doubts, in the way UNRWA operates.”[7]

Less than two weeks before being appointed to head the review group, Ms. Colonna posted on X on January 13, 2024 to commend UNRWA for its work, which she wrote was “more useful than ever.” 

Over CMI:
In 2022, CMI published a report on UNRWA examining reasons for the agency’s funding troubles and advising steps forward. In the report, CMI states that UNRWA’s funding problems are caused by “unfounded claims” that the agency “instigates violence, for example, through school curricula with an anti-Israeli edge.”

In other words, CMI has already expressed the opinion that claims of UNRWA incitement—documented over 10 years in a series of reports by UN Watch that show screenshots of UNRWA teachers calling to slaughter Jews—are “unfounded.”

In January 2024, in a post entitled “Speaking out against genocide and repression”, the CMI’s Anthropologist blog issued a call for papers that spoke of “Israel’s ongoing destruction of Gaza and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.” CMI made no mention at all of Hamas, its atrocities, or the Israeli hostages in Gaza.

RWI (NB: Lundberg= executive director)
Specifically, Lundberg clicked “Like” on several pro-UNRWA posts since the Hamas-Israel War, including:

Jan Egeland’s post attacking critics of UNRWA as “abhorrent”: A united humanity must stand with, fund and defend UNRWA. They do more for civilians in Gaza then the rest of us combined. The extremist political attacks on them are abhorrent. More than 100 of their aid workers have been killed.

OCHA chief Martin Griffith’s tweet advocating support for UNRWA, endorsing criticism of Switzerland’s vote to defund UNRWA: What @UNRWA needs right now is more support, not less.

Danish Institute for Human Rights
DIHR Board Member Jonas Vejsager Nøddekær supported continued funding to UNRWA, stating, “It will make the humanitarian disaster even worse to suspend support for the UN’s humanitarian work in Gaza. The humanitarian aid that comes into Gaza is already extremely limited, so we support the Danish government’s decision to continue the support, because the needs are so great.”

Sheikh also clicked like on pro-UNRWA posts as recently as January 29th, 2024, just one week before his organization was selected for the Review Group, including Waleed Safi’s post condemning Western countries’ withholding of support to UNRWA.

En intussen op universiteiten in de VS (momenteel is met name Columbia University in het nieuws): 

“[Izz ad-Din] Al-Qassam [Brigades], make us proud, take another soldier out,” anti-Israel demonstrators chanted on Friday night in a video published on social media by pro-Palestinian activist ThizzL. “We say justice, you say how? Burn Tel Aviv to the ground. Go Hamas, we love you. We support your rockets too.”

The Jews of New York Instagram account shared on Sunday a video showing a woman in a keffiyeh with a sign that said "Al-Qassam's next targets," with an arrow pointing to counter-protesters waving Israeli and American flags.

In another Instagram video, in which a poster of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine secretary-general Ahmad Sa'adat can be seen in the background, anti-Israel activists sang, "Oh Hamas, our beloved, strike, strike Tel Aviv."

As the counter-protesters returned to their dormitories, Students Supporting Israel Columbia video showed that they were taunted with calls of "Jews" and told to "go back to Poland."

In a video published by Palestinian Youth Movement NYC, they chanted, "Zionism will fall, brick by brick, wall by wall, Israel will fall" and called "US imperialists, number one terrorists."

Ze verhinderen Joden de toegang tot universiteitscomplexen, zoals ook al in de jaren dertig gebeurde. 

Columbia protest organizer rallies protesters to block Jewish student from entering.

“We have a Zionist at the entrance of our encampment.”

She then gets them to repeat a cult-like chant.

“Repeat after me, we have Zionists who have entered the camp.”

En Yale:

Group of Yale students form a human chain to BLOCK a Jewish student from entering the University.

The chilling act of antisemitism echoes 1939, when Nazi’s blocked Jewish students from entering Vienna University- simply because they were Jews.

En hieronder weer een voorbeeld van een Al-Jazeera en Palestijnse leugen, overgenomen door Westerse media. 

Al Jazeera: 
“In the hospital courtyard, civil defence members and paramedics have retrieved 180 bodies buried in this mass grave by the Israeli military. The bodies include elderly women, children and young men,” Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud reporting from Khan Younis said on Sunday.

Tekst bij video op
"Op beelden is te zien hoe Palestijnen tientallen lichamen uit een massagraf opgraven. Het massagraf ligt binnen het complex van het Nasser-ziekenhuis. Volgens de Palestijnse civiele bescherming heeft Israël het graf gegraven. Volgens hen werden ook een aantal Palestijnen zonder kleren begraven. Terreurorganisatie Hamas spreekt over "een afschuwelijke misdaad". 

GeoConfirmed op X, eerste bericht van een langere thread die ook afbeeldingen en video's bevat:
GeoConfirmed ISR-PAL Investigation.

Palestinians are exhuming bodies from the grounds of the Nasser Medical Complex hospital complex in Khan Younis, Gaza.
This is occurring at the same location where mass graves were dug and burial ceremonies had taken place by Palestinians in recent months. (Proof in this thread)

Footage from Palestinians digging graves/mass graves dated 25 January, 28 January and 03 February while IDF entered the hospital around 15 February. 

Quote from…
“In the hospital courtyard, civil defence members and paramedics have retrieved 180 bodies buried in this mass grave by the Israeli military." (By Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud)

This is disinformation by Al Jazeera and others:
This is a known graveyard/mass grave and at least partially dug by Palestinians.
This does not exclude that graves could have been added when the hospital was occupied by Israeli forces.

Malibu2 schreef op 22-04-2024 om 18:16:

Ze verhinderen Joden de toegang tot universiteitscomplexen, zoals ook al in de jaren dertig gebeurde.

Columbia protest organizer rallies protesters to block Jewish student from entering.

“We have a Zionist at the entrance of our encampment.”

She then gets them to repeat a cult-like chant.

“Repeat after me, we have Zionists who have entered the camp.”

En Yale:

Group of Yale students form a human chain to BLOCK a Jewish student from entering the University.

The chilling act of antisemitism echoes 1939, when Nazi’s blocked Jewish students from entering Vienna University- simply because they were Jews.

Echt schandalig! Die lui moeten ze van de uni af flikkeren. 

Gebruikersnaaminvullen schreef op 23-04-2024 om 21:40:


Echt schandalig! Die lui moeten ze van de uni af flikkeren.

Ja, inderdaad schandalig. Het van de uni verwijderen gebeurt alleen niet, want de rot zit erg diep. Wat je wel ziet gebeuren is dat grote donateurs hun bijdragen stopzetten:

Ik zag een X bericht dat de laatste dagen op Amerikaanse universiteiten samenvat:

Here's what was documented in recent protests on campuses in America:

🔴 Chants of "We are Hamas" and “bomb Tel Aviv"

🔴 "October 7th will happen to American Jewish students 10,000 times over"

🔴 "American Jews are Al-Qasam's (Hamas military wing) next target"

🔴 Jewish student got stabbed in the eye.

🔴 Israeli Arab activist beaten up.

🔴 Liquid thrown at Jewish students to prevent them from getting to their dorms.

🔴 Human chain created to block one Jewish student from reaching her dorm.

🔴 Jews being told to "go back to Europe!”

🔴 University Rabbi asking students to go home as they're not safe on campus.

🔴 School canceled and classes moved to zoom to protect Jewish students.

🔴 Israeli flag burned.

🔴 Students encouraged to become martyrs for Palestine.

🔴 Jewish Israeli Professor barred from campus because the university can’t ensure his safety.

If you were honestly more concerned with advocating for Palestinians than you are hating a specific group of people, you would be disavowing these actions the loudest. But instead we hear a deafening silence, or worse…

En over dat punt waarin studenten worden aangemoedigd om martelaar voor de Palestijnen te worden, dit is de video. 

"So again in English it means: mother of the shahid, mother of the martyr, I wish my mother was in your place." 

En mensen roepen het nog na ook

Malibu2 schreef op 24-04-2024 om 00:17:

En over dat punt waarin studenten worden aangemoedigd om martelaar voor de Palestijnen te worden, dit is de video.

"So again in English it means: mother of the shahid, mother of the martyr, I wish my mother was in your place."

En mensen roepen het nog na ook

Een reactie onder dat bericht;

Now repeat after me
Now repeat after me
I’m a clueless moron liberal
I’m a clueless moron liberal
I can’t think for myself
I can’t think for myself
I have no clue about the Middle East
I have no clue about the Middle East
I’m a useful idiot
I’m a useful idiot

Heeft Femke Halsema de joden al wrgens een fijne Pesach gewenst, of heb ik dat gemist?

The eye-catching kippa is part of an initiative co-launched by two prominent non-Jewish Dutch actors, Huub Stapel and Hans Teeuwen, to protest antisemitism on King’s Day on Saturday. On that national holiday, Dutchmen wear their national color of orange in honor of their royal house, and many attend junkyard sales across the kingdom.

Maar ten derde is er werk in het enige land in de wereld dat werkt verstrekte aan deze werklozen: Israel. Een totaal van bijna 200.000 Palestijnen en Gazanen kwam dagelijks naar Israël om te werken. Nee, geen Arabisch land gaf ze werk. Ook de VN en de EU gaf ze geen werk. Wel gaven ze kritiek op Israël, dat niet alleen werk, maar ook elektriciteit, water, medicijnen, communicatie en voedsel verschaft – wat geen enkel ander land wilde doen.

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